This website was made by Lar.
On discord you might've seen me as Dokamon (real), Cherubimon (real), Lopmon (real), or whatever digimon I have gender envy for at that time.
On here you'll find information and resources for the Digimon Card Game.
Emails: Before the official CRM the game relied mostly on rule documents, Lv.0 Judge announcements, and customer support emails. This email service is handled by Cardass which has become unreliable when it comes to accurate answers to question players have. While some judges no longer trust the service at all, the emails were of use to the community so this section aims to preserve it.
Lv.0 Announcements: This is a collection of announcements by the Lv.0 judge on rule changes that are posted over on the Bandai Organized Play discord.
Errata: A collection of fan-translated card text that was either incorrect or misleading. Originally posted on the DCG2020 community discord.
Im planning on adding more! Helpful charts, guides, and other resources that might be of use to players. Maybe even a blog summarizing news and rule changes.
However, the real reason this website exists is due to my frustration towards all of this information being solely kept on Discord.
Discord is not a place for documentation and resources.
It had its purpose in the infancy of the game, but it's a growing community with more and more people willing to contribute to its progress. This is my effort towards trying to move on to more reliable and independent hubs for community information. Thank you for visiting, and I hope you find something useful within these 4 digital walls.
If you have any feature requests, a related site we can link, want to submit something, or notice something is incorrect or missing you can reach out to me on the following platforms:
Discord - Lar_ott
A section dedicated to community members who couldn't be directly credited on the site